Nele Gewert

A Level Engl. Language, A Level Engl. Literature, A Level Psychology, EPQ, AS German

I am currently a full-time student at the University of Bath, studying a BSc (Hons) Psychology. Outside of my studies I also hold a part-time job and am significantly involved with volunteering (and have been recognised by the Volunteer Recognition Scheme) and the Bath University Students’ Union. My roles include being a Hall Rep (where I’ve been awarded the Hall Rep of the Year Award), Hall Rep Mentor, Peer Mentor, President of the blood cancer charity Bath Marrow, Secretary of the mental health student support society Student Minds, and an online mentor with the platform Brightside where I support Year 13 students in their decisions to progress. Furthermore, in summer I will start a volunteer placement with Nkosi’s Haven in Johannesburg, South Africa, where I will be supporting families affected by HIV and orphans by giving psychological support and holding educational workshops.

At Sussex Downs College I was particularly impressed by the level of dedication in the teaching staff. My teachers supported me wherever possible and often tailored support to the individual so they could exceed their own imagination. I always felt incredibly welcome in the facilities and believe that my work as a Rep for the English Department or as a Student Ambassador set the foundations for my current involvement in any opportunities to outgrow myself.