Greater Brighton Metropolitan College

GBMet HEIAG Programme

Building upon the work delivered during ‘Quick Wins’, a programme of interventions offered to all NCOP Level 3, year 1 and 2 students, to prepare for HE, who are undecided about progression or have no intended destinations. Development of a suite of HEIAG workshops, talks and sessions delivered across Northbrook and Brighton campuses in a progression programme over the academic year.

SLN:COP Programme Manager contact: Lucy Jenks, SLN:COP Post 16 Liaison Programme Manager.

Project contacts: Helena Thomas, Assistant Principal, Greater Brighton Metropolitan College.

Kate Williams, Head of HE, Greater Brighton Metropolitan College.

Joanna Tolley, Widening Participation Officer, Greater Brighton Metropolitan College.

Raising Educational Aspirations Participatory Action Research Project (Innovation Fund project):

This project aims to provide a bridging opportunity linking non-formal with formal education. Over 5 days up to 15 young people from the target demographic will write and record an EP. Using ‘Identity’ as a theme the participants will work with AudioActive’s tutors to explore lyric writing and beat making using a range of production equipment. This will be based at GB MET and supported by the Course Leader and students on the Creative Music Production Foundation Degree. Embedded into the project will be information sessions on education pathways and HE IAG. The group will also visit Northbrook MET and have a tour of the state of the art music performance and production facilities. Following the weeklong intervention, participants will be offered follow-up one-to-one mentoring from GB MET’s Widening Participation team to support individuals to access suitable FE/HE courses and other progression opportunities. This will form part of an Action Research project supported by a lead academic at the University to identify attitudinal shifts to education and tracking the participants to monitor and evaluate the impact of the interventions.

GBMET – Joanna Tolley – University of Brighton – Conall Gleeson Audioactive – Michael Sells