Community21 has selected some case study communities and projects to share across the network to inspire and inform others. Should we be featuring yours? If so get in touch.
The West Sussex partnership between the University of Chichester, Chichester College and Crawley college provides a holistic programme supporting progression internally for students within the colleges to HE and externally. Bursaries, IT resources, peer mentoring support to students on the apprenticeship route and CPD opportunities for staff are funded through the SLN:COP. Funding has been provided for two progression and outreach officers to embed support and initiatives as well as supporting outreach initiatives in schools with high levels of NCOP learners in West Sussex for example, Grit and Resilience.
Curriculum development in FE Funding has been channelled to support development of more work based routes in to higher education. For example, Sussex Coast college has funding to develop up to 6 higher apprenticeships including a degree in Digital Solutions. Funding is also in development for Plumpton college to develop higher qualifications in land based industry sector.
CPD in FE (Mathematics in FE) The schools of education at the University of Brighton is offering funded CPD opportunities for Mathematics tutors and lecturers delivering Maths GCSE and mentoring support for students resitting their Maths GCSE
Apprenticeships in Sussex Through SCTP, SLN:COP have funded workshops across 58 schools in West Sussex, East Sussex and Brighton and Hove to deliver impartial information advice and guidance to Year 9 to year 13 as well as training ambassador Apprenticeships from NCOP wards and providing workshops and events for parents and community workshops.
Graffiti, comics and outsider art for humanities widening participation: a new approach pilot project for Yr 12 learners (innovation fund project)
This project offers a new approach to raising aspirations among learners at Year 12 by engaging them with a range of non-traditional (and specifically popular) visual cultural sources. Its core activity is to introduce 20 learners from three schools to the world of popular visual culture as studied in Higher Education today, namely, graffiti, comics and untrained art. The project team want to test whether using non-traditional visual sources motivates and captures the imagination of the participants and therefore supports application to tertiary level study. On project conclusion: 20 learners will have engaged with a university ‘visual popular culture’ workshop programme (co-delivered at University of Chichester in partnership with the arts charity, Outside In, Pallant House Gallery, Chichester) and the project team will gain evaluative data on the outcomes of that process.
Beyond the school gates
University of Portsmouth, University of Sussex and West Sussex Parent Carer Forum
The project supports students who have been excluded from or refuse to attend secondary education and their parents by drawing on the lived experiences of former students and their parents who experienced similar issues but successfully re-engaged their education. This project does not replace home schooling or provide alternative provision. Instead, following DfE (2016) recommendations, the project recognises the central role that parents play in students’ educational engagement by working closely within family and community systems - providing mentoring using a capabilities approach (White et al, 2016) that works at the interface between family, schools and organisations.
University of Chichester – Professor Hugo Frey Outside In - Marc Steene