University of Sussex

Dr Emma Newport Lecturer in Eighteenth-century and Romantic Studies Sussex Writes

Access the Future University of Sussex

Through this innovative hybrid approach, participants become practitioner/researchers informing decisions about what is best for them, and increasing sector understanding. The three-strand ecological approach focuses on agency: increasing participant confidence and awareness as heroes in their own story; action research: into progression rates, developing research skills for HE; and impact through dissemination of outcomes.

Moving through HE (aspirations and expectations of refugee background students University of Sussex, Sanctuary on Sea and Hummingbird Project

The aims of the project are to: 1. Foreground the experiences of RBS and their families in order to identify new ideas and new approaches for supporting progression to HE 2. Produce an online resource that will support teachers and staff in schools and colleges better understand the perceptions and needs of this group 3. Work with peer researchers provide role models to RBS in schools. The project will work with 3 or 4 RBS who are currently in HE. The peer researchers will recruit and interview 20 RBS (primarily in years 9-13) on their experiences of arriving in, and moving through the education system; the research will seek to identify their aspirations, how these are being met and their perceptions of the interventions and challenges faced in moving through the system.

Sussex Writes (Innovation Fund Project)

University of Sussex, Little Green Pig and Beacon Academy

This project connects the School of English with local schools via an undergraduate and postgraduate student-led creative writing workshop in local classrooms to provide support and development for students in Years 9-11 who are working towards the writing assessment in GCSE examinations.

Sussex Writes and Little Green Pig (LGP) have established a joint mission: to provide fun, creative and excellent learning experiences for everyone – whether a young person, a customer, a volunteer, a teacher or a parent; we also share the same core values: a belief that all young people can be writers and that it supports their learning and development; that volunteers are a core part of our joint project; that HEFCE target schools, teachers and families are our essential partners; that our activities are inclusive, accessible, inspiring and delivered by those with enthusiasm, talent and commitment.

SLN:COP Programme Manager contacts:

Dr Tamsin Hinton-Smith and Dr Emily Danvers, SLN:COP Research & Evaluation Programme Managers.

Project contacts: Gino Graziano, Joint Head of Widening Participation, University of Sussex.