Projects with Newhaven Community Development Association

In line with other Cupp and SASS (School of Applied Social Science) activity, SSPARC (Social Science Policy and Research Centre) are developing further relationships with the Newhaven Community Development Association (NCDA).

Project 1

Facilitation of a series of seminars / workshops inviting local stakeholders (including NCDA, County, District and Local Councils) to explore the way in which the recent White Paper: Communities in Control: Real People, Real Power is interpreted and implemented at a local level. The central theme will be partnership working. NCDA have worked with the University of Birmingham in the past but are keen to develop their relationship with a local University and recognise Marian Barnes’ particular expertise in relation to this work.

Project 2

To partner NCDA in producing a Big Lottery Research Fund application. The proposed research would explore, via case studies of families NCDA currently work with, a ‘whole family’ approach to addressing support needs. We would develop a methodology for conducting a whole family needs assessment (informed by further, in depth, exploration of relevant literature). This presents an ideal opportunity to work with a local community on an approach which central Government has a demonstrable interest in which implies opportunities for possible further research to build on this initial study.

In order to take this work forward, Cupp provided some funds to support the planning phase of each project and development of funding applications. Should funding applications prove successful, each project will contribute to strengthening the relationship between SSPARC and NCDA, opening up further opportunities for collaboration and research development.

Project Lead

Dee MacDonald, Research Fellow, SSPARC, University of Brighton