Newhaven Neighbourhood Plan 2030

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Since April 2012, local communities have been able to produce Neighbourhood Plans for their local area, putting in place planning policies for the future development and growth of their towns and villages. Neighbourhood plans relate to the use and development of land and associated social, economic and environmental issues. They may deal with a wide range of issues (like housing, employment, environment and transport) or focus on one or two issues that are of particular importance in the local area. A Neighbourhood Plan will be subject to examination and referendum and then form part of the District Councils Local Development Plan. This statutory status gives Neighbourhood Plans far more weight than previous community led plans. Local communities really do have a new set of powers that will help them shape the places in which they live. Read More for upcoming consultation dates

Getting Started

Newhaven Town Council started the process of producing a Neighbourhood Plan in April 2013, when it applied to Lewes District Council to formally designate the area that would be included in the plan.

The area was formally designated on 8th July 2013 and includes the whole parish area for Newhaven, but excludes the land owned by Newhaven Port and Properties. The designation notice and map can be viewed on Lewes District Councils website at:

From early this year, the Town Council has started work in earnest on the Neighbourhood Plan and amongst other information, has used the feedback that the community gave at the Big Planning Event in 2012, to help provide information on what the important issues are for the town.

This has helped the Town Council to work up a draft vision and a number of objectives which seek to support the health, wellbeing and prosperity of the town and its community. We are now consulting on these draft ideas as well as potential development sites soon.


Local Authorities have the duty to support your parish/town in preparing a plan. However, before you decide on a neighbourhood plan, consider the length of time and financial implications of producing one. The complexity of your plan will depend on what it is trying to achieve be it a single topic issues or a wide ranging. Your cost could also be impacted by the size of your population when it comes to surveys and community engagement activities.

The first formal stage of preparing a neighbourhood plan is to get your parish/town/area designated. Your community can begin to identify their issues and concerns as well as aspirations before you become a fully designated area. However, in the case of funding, your community will not be eligible to apply until you become formally designated as neighbourhood plan area.

Upcoming Consultation Dates


14th June 2014 NDP Launch at Fish Festival


8th July 2014 at Meeching Hall, Fort Road, 10am – 3pm

8th July 2014 at Lewes Road Hut, 5pm – 8pm

15th July 2014 at Denton and Mount Pleasant Social Centre, 10am – 2pm

29th July 2014 at Denton and Mount Pleasant Social Centre 4pm - 8pm

12th August 2014 at the Hillcrest Centre 4pm - 8pm


11th November 2014 - 7.30pm Briefing Session at the Hillcrest Centre

18th November 2014 - 3.30pm Briefing Session at the Hillcrest Centre

Sites Consultation

Return survey in the Newhaven Matters Winter Edition by 19th January 2015

Designation, Steering Group and Governance

Focus Group Meeting Dates and Topics

16th October (12 people confirmed) Town Centre, facilities and Services (Venue: Town Council Offices)

28th September (15 people confirmed) Housing & Development (sites, type, design, numbers) (Venue: Town Council Offices)

4th November (14 people confirmed) Environment, Open Spaces and Wellbeing (Venue: Town Council Offices)

18th November (13 people confirmed)Economy and Transport(Venue: Town Council Offices)

25th November (15 people confirmed) Renewable Energy, Flood Reduction and Water Quality) (Venue: Town Council Offices)

Community Engagement

The Town Council has produced a series of topic papers to aid the consultation process and provide a focus for discussion. These have been produced using evidence from the document 'A Profile of Newhaven' which provides a wide range of background information on the town.

In addition a Consultation Strategy has been produced which sets out the broad strategy that the Town Council and its consultants will follow when consulting with the community.

All the documents referred to can be viewed below or clicking on the relevant links below

Introduction and Background

Vision and Objectives


Housing Appendix 1

Facilities and Services

Environment and Open Spaces

Employment and Tourism

Transport and Access


Your Neighbourhood Plan offers you several advantages and opportunities to influence and control development in your area. They are led by the parish and town councils and involve engaging with all residents, community groups and service providers serving your community. The plan will have to be accepted by the community through a referendum hence the crucial element of getting them on board and informing them of progress throughout the process.

Engage with all organisations, departments, local partners and residents to improve dialogue and negotiations which could help with the future development and implementation of your plan policies and proposals.

Community Consultation Activities

SWOT Board

Community Data and Local Evidence

Task: Provide information on survey results, statistics and all relevant evidence gathered to support your plan

Pre-Submission Plan and Associated Documents

Helpful Tips: Please click on the pink question mark for some useful guidance.


Understand the purpose, discuss and agree the key principles of the Plan, including housing numbers, locations and types and other land use and infrastructure proposals.

Draft Plan including a summary of the ‘State of the Parish’ report, the Plan objectives (including the measures by which its success will be judged in due course), the proposed land use allocations, the proposed Planning policies, the proposed infrastructure investments and a delivery Plan. Prepare draft SEA, comprising a schedule of sustainability objectives and show how each specific proposal measures up against each relevant objective. Where negative sustainability impacts are identified, to indicate how such impacts may be mitigated

Regulation 14 Consultation

Carry out the statutory minimum six weeks public consultation. The Pre Submission Plan and its associated documents such as the draft SEA and Community Right To Build Orders (CRTBO) if being undertaken should be made available electronically via websites as well as in hard copies at vantage locations across the parish/town. Hold drop in session with residents to answer queries and explain reasons for proposed policies. Collect and log the representations made during the consultation exercise. The Steering Group to the review each representation and propose an appropriate response (either agree and amend or disagree) in a single schedule.

Pre-Submission Plan Process

Task: Indicate or outline the process undertaken to inform the drafting of plan (i.e. planning workshop, landowners presentations, etc). Provide pictures if any

Pre-Submission Plan and Associated Documents

Task: Provide a link to or upload the pre-submission (draft) plan and draft SEA (if required) to be consulted on

Helpful Tips for Stage 4: Submission Plan and Associated Documents

Helpful Tips: Please click on the pink question mark for some useful guidance.


Your final plan which is the Submission Plan must be submitted with other documents required by the neighbourhood plan regulations. These are: The Basic Conditions Statement, The Strategic Environment Assessment (SEA), The Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) if required and The Consultation Statement

Representation and Responses to Pre Submission Plan

Task: Outcome of your regulation 14 consultation activity and any changes or modifications to be made or made.

Submission Plan and Associated Documents

Task: Provide a link to or upload the submission (final) plan and final SEA (if required) a well as all other relevant documents such as the basic conditions statement and consultation statement

Helpful Tips for Stage 5: Bringing Plan into Force

Helpful Tips: Please click on the pink question mark for some useful guidance.


Once the final plan is submitted to the Local Planning Authority (LPA) with all the associated documents, it becomes the responsibility of the LPA. The LPA will once satisfied with the plan and all the documents submitted will proceed to publish them for a further six weeks consultation known as the Regulation 16 Consultation. During this period, the LPA will work with the parish or town council to appoint an examiner who will independently examine your plan and all the documents submitted. Some Local Planning Authorities may choose to agree and select the preferred examiner with the parish or town council before the final documents are even submitted.

Regulation 16 Consultation and Independent Examination


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