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St. Christopher serves the Newington estate area of Ramsgate: it is a modern flexible building much used by the local people - come and see us!
What's on at St Christopher's
Sunday Services Holy Communion Service 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month 11.10am. 2nd Sunday Cafe Breakfast Service 10am. 4th Sunday Afternoon Cafe Service 3pm. 5th Sunday alternate Holy Communion Service with St. Catherine’s.
Monday Coffee Club Free drop in open to everybody 10am-12noon contact Lisa or Betty.
Food Bank parcels issued 10am to 12.
Tuesday East Kent Independent Dementia Support group 2nd Tuesday of each month 10:00-12 noon contact 01227 730000
Bible Book Club 3rd Tuesday of each month 2:00-3:00pm contact Ruth Lawlor or Sue Cox
14th Ramsgate West Guides for girls aged 10 to 14 years. Contact Ms Lynn Beedie 07881279173
Wednesday Holy Communion (BCP) meets 4th Wednesday of each month 10am.
4th Ramsgate West Rainbow Guides for girls aged 5 to 7 years 4:30-5:45pm Contact Hannah Todd
14th Ramsgate West Brownies for girls aged 7 to 10 years 6:00-7:30pm contact Lisa Evans
Thursday Kneedleknuts, Coffee morning, Craft and social group 10am-12pm contact Ruth Lawlor
Ignite-Church but not as you know it 7:00-8:30pm Contact Ken or Sue Cox 01843 594895.
Free soup kitchen run with ignite from 12-13:30 donation are welcome open to everyone.
Food Bank parcels issued 6.30 to 7.30 pm.
Friday Bingo and social club alternate Friday's 7:00-9:30pm. See notice boards for other social events. Contact Betty Birch 07976419006 for more information.
St. Christopher's Charity Shop. To be re-opened.
Hall available for booking. Parties, receptions, meetings and social events. Contact Lisa Evans 07773557188 or 01843 447122