Maintain and improve the woodland in terms of economic return, private amenity, biodiversity and landscape. Improve the forest resource through good forestry practice and silviculture, improving access to facilitate essential forestry activities and increase the area of woodland under active management. Ensuring that the site is maintained as a diverse and healthy woodland habitat in perpetuity.
Woodland Management Plans


Capturing carbon has been used for decades to help improve the quality of natural gas, but pioneering new technologies mean we can now remove and sequester CO2 indefinitely. Moreover, we are exploring new ways to add value to waste CO2 by turning the gas into marketable industrial and commercial products.

A sawmill works by cutting logs into lumber using large bandsaw blades. The same process is repeated over and over, log by log, to produce high-volumes of rough cut lumber.
If you're interested in learning step by step how a sawmill works, feel free to watch the video below. The video highlights how Beiler's Sawmill runs. This process will vary slightly from sawmill to sawmill. We've also broken down the steps below if you'd rather read them.

Methods mapping

This initial / draft gigamap and venn diagrams seek to describe and capture and ultimatley define and refine the methodological appraoches being revealed and undertaken as part of the resourcing approach. Each 'mode' engages with resources in distinct (and sometimes over-lapping) ways.