Gang Blok-Kupat

Name: Gang Blok-Kupat

Location: Caringin District, Bandung City

Specialist materials: Pandanus leaves

Products: Kupat (rice-cake packaging)

Blok Kupat located in Bandung City is known for the rich tradition of producing Ketupat containers made of coconut leaves (Ketupat is a rice cake wrapped in a diamond-shaped packaging of woven coconut leaves). In this place, making Ketupat containers has become a profession, where traditional knowledge has been passed down throughout generations in the community.

We were glad to meet Pak Rohmat, along with his brother, nephew, and other family relatives, who are the artisans in Blok Kupat to show us how to create the wrapper. During the process, he cut the coconut leaf in half from its bone, and then the leaves are woven to form a Ketupat (diamond-shaped). He told us that the leftover leaf bones can also be utilized to produce other products, such as satay skewers or broomsticks. Coconut leaves with yellowish color are also commonly used for making ‘Janur’ and wedding decoration needs.

To produce the container, they usually acquire the leaves from the coconut farmers in the Tasikmalaya area. “When the leaves are harvested by the coconut farmers, they left the young leaves (leaves with short length) so that later they can grow again," said Pak Rohmat.