The Platform

Background: Established in 1988, The Platform (previously known as Care Co-operatives Ltd), is a social enterprise passionate about improving the lives of local people and reducing social exclusion. They do this through a range of support services, social businesses and European Projects.

Aim: The organisation’s overall mission is to support people to achieve their potential through facilitating personal decision making and building a sense of self-responsibility and empowerment. Having built a reputation for enterprise, innovation and creativity the organisation has successfully blended person–centred approaches, resulting in a diverse range of co-produced, peer lead services. These approaches create new opportunities achieving greater equality and supporting people to develop their lives in whatever way they choose.

As a social enterprise, The Platform has a range of business. Social enterprises are businesses that trade for social and environmental purposes, reinvesting their profits into their social mission. Every purchase you make with us will contribute to supporting people to achieve their potential in our services and projects