RE-Sourced Materials in Brighton Assemblage

Researching and Exploring the local resource opportunities in Brighton allows a material palette that is a reflection of local character and culture to be created.

A seaside town: Shells, Seaweed, Fishing etc. Naturally occurring materials such as shells can be widely used in construction if crushed, or even whole, for tiles, bricks, wall finishes, compost etc. Cuttlebone can replace a percentage of cement for a greener concrete. Driftwood washing up on the shores is a aesthetically pleasing material for decorating interiors.

Man-made by-products of a fishing culture such as old fishing nets and ropes can be upcycled into new uses or recycled into completely different things. Fishing nets can be molten or heat pressed for interior tiles or finishes.

Brighton is and economically thriving and popular tourist town. This means construction is usually taking place so demolitions or reclaimed material can be taken advantage of. As for tourism waste produced, this can take many forms from textiles and duvets to large household appliances. Mostly, it comes from day visitors and manifests as single use plastics that pollute the beach before ending up in landfills. This plastic rubbish should be seen as a great resource and incorporated into constructions.