Colgate Church (St Saviour's)

20 Sept 2017 Bishop Mark with Fr Kevin and Fr Russell after the Inauguration Service (photo by Piers Calvert)
20 Sept 2017 after the Inauguration Service (photo by Piers Calvert)
20 Sept 2017 after the Inauguration Service (photo by Piers Calvert)
20 Sept 2017 after the Inauguration Service (photo by Piers Calvert)
& the "bun fight" 20 Sept 2017 after the Inauguration Service (photo by Piers Calvert)
St Saviour's Church, Colgate
Easter 2016
Easter 2016
Easter 2016
Easter 2016
Easter 2016
Easter 2016
Easter 2016
Easter 2016
Easter 2016
Easter 2016
Vicars of Colgate: Clockwise from top - left Revd Duncan and Mrs Pearce, Revd William Horsfall, Revd Gerald Maister, Canon Francis Jacomb-Hood

Colgate’s village church dedicated to Jesus as Holy Saviour, has been serving the needs of this parish in God’s name and to his glory since 1871.

The Patron of the Living is Piers Calvert whose great-great grandparents, the Clifton Browns, financed the building.


The church is open every day as a house of prayer from approximately 8.30am until 4.30pm.


For times of services and all other current information go to:

(Please note that from June 2015 the regular Sunday services were reduced to TWO SERVICES A MONTH, generally at 11am)

A warm welcome awaits you at all our services.

RECTOR: Father Russell Stagg; Tel: 01293 852870


Mr John Sired; Tel: 01293 851458

Mrs Rosemary Lane; Tel 01403 257829


Mr Duncan Noel-Paton MA(Cantab.) FRSA


HON SECRETARY: Mr Paul William HON TREASURER: Ms Carolyn Chinn

Mrs Ruth Calvert, Mrs Elsiedale Armstrong, Mrs Rosemary Lane, Mr John Sired, Mr Johny Armstrong,


Ms Sue Spence, Ms Hilary Rodriquez-Azcona


What is a 'service'?

It is a time when people come together to worship God, to listen to readings from the Bible and to bring to God their needs and the needs of the world. It is a pattern of words and prayers, spoken and sung. The Priest, or Reader (lay minister who wears a blue scarf) leads the worship, while the people join in singing and saying some of the prayers at each service. There is no need to worry about when to stand up or sit down, whether to kneel or not. The person leading the service will advise on this, or there are helpful notes printed in the order of service being used. There are 4 or 5 hymns, depending on the service.

Who comes to services?

Anyone and everyone, old and young. Wheelchair users are welcome - if it is impossible for you to get to the altar for communion or a blessing, the clergy come to you wherever you are sitting. There is a sound system in use in the church, including a hearing loop for hearing aid users. Unfortunately there is no toilet in the church; however the toilets in the Village Hall, across the road from the church, are available for our use.

Why are there different services?

We try to offer a variety of types of worship across each month. The 1st Sunday in the month is Holy Communion according to the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. The 2nd and 3rd Sundays offer a non-Eucharistic service in the form of Morning Prayer, and the 4th Sunday in the month is Holy Communion according to the more modern version found in Common Worship.

What is 'Communion'?

As the words of each service explain, it is a commemoration of, and giving thanks for, the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Those who are confirmed go to the altar rail to receive bread and wine which are symbols of his sacrifice for us.

If you are not sure whether you wish to be part of this, or if you are not confirmed, you are still invited to come to the altar rail to receive a blessing from the Priest. In order that the Priest will know that you would like a blessing, you are advised to keep your hands down below the altar rail.

What makes up a 'service'?

There is some worship where we focus on the love of, and the presence of, God in prayers and hymns. We admit our failures to God, in words which everyone says together. This is called confession. The priest reminds us that God forgives all who are sorry.

We listen to passages from the Bible and the priest or reader talks about it. There is a section of prayers devoted to asking for the needs of the church and the world.

During the hymn before the communion, the collection is taken and a plate is brought round for our gifts.

*St Saviour's relies heavily on the generosity of its congregation and of our visitors to help sustain the worship and the fabric of the building. As in every household, these costs rise each year. If you are a tax payer we would be very grateful if you could use one of the white envelopes which are to be found at the end of each pew for your collection, so that we can claim an extra 25p in the £ from the Inland Revenue for church funds - at no extra cost to you. If you use one of these envelopes, you need to make sure that you write your name, address and post code on the envelopes in the space provided, as well as that particular day's date. This information will enable us to make the claim, and will greatly assist us in maintaining this church for the present and future generations. *

Communion is introduced by the priest reminding us of Jesus' death and resurrection and the meaning of what we are doing. The bread and wine are blessed and we go to the altar rail to receive these, or to receive a blessing. The service ends with praise, either in words or in another hymn and then follows a final blessing.

Services last no longer than one hour, and some services are slightly shorter. If we are celebrating a particular festival, we offer refreshments after the service - tea, coffee and biscuits.

If it is a long time since you attended a service why not try again - you might be surprised, and you will certainly be welcomed!

For details of our Child Protection Policy Statement, please click on the following link:

Child Protection Policy Statement

More information about St Saviour's ....

History & Guide

Memorial to the casualties of World War 1 & 2

Also the following website:

Church of England website

Previously (from 1998) Colgate was one half of a united benefice served by one rector with the parish of Rusper