Barcombe Allotment Society

Chairman - Andrew Lamont :

Photos - John Smith

The Barcombe Allotments and Garden Association (BAGA) was granted a 7 lease starting on 1 April 2007 by Barcombe Parish Council. The Allotments are located in Pump House Field, which is situated at the far end of the Recreation Ground adjacent to the Tennis Courts. The Allotments comprise 24 plots, which provide residents of Barcombe and the surrounding area with the opportunity to produce their own fresh produce. The plots range in size from 12, 18 by 9 metre units to 12, 9 by 9 metre units. Anyone who has any experience of renting a plot will know that the rewards are great but that the rewards are also directly related to the amount of time and effort that one can apply.
Recently, the Parish Council has championed a scheme, Wild About Barcombe (WAB), which has resulted in the development of a series of paths surrounding the Allotments and include a number of features which are designed to attract the community into Pump House field. Recently WAB arranged to plant a number of fruit trees surrounding the Allotments to provide the community with access to this fruit in due course.

The Barcombe Allotments and Garden Association Committee meets two or three times a year and holds on Annual General Meeting at the end of March each year. The Committee comprises a Chairman, Treasurer, and Secretary and two Committee members. BAGA is a tenant of The Barcombe Parish Council and pays an Annual Rent to the Parish Council, as well as costs for the metered water and Public Liability insurance. These costs are covered from the rental raised from the Individual Plot Holders. There is a set of rules and regulations which apply to Allotment Holders which are available from the Chairman and Secretary upon request. Rental is collected once a year and can be paid in advance for future years.