Everyday experiences of transport and mobility - sensory walks

Everyday experiences of transport and mobility - sensory walks

Sensory transformations and transgenerational environmental relationships

This is a five-year European Research Council project exploring changes in transgenerational and multisensory engagements with local environments between 1950 and 2020, in in three cities: Brighton in the UK, Ljubljana in Slovenia, and Turku in Finland. Adopting a new methodological approach: ‘sensobiographies’, the project brings together younger and older people in transgenerational sensory walks. Some of the participants will be artists who might be seen as experienced in acknowledging and reflecting on their sensory responses to space. The project will explore the role of technologies in mediating spatial experiences, including participants who were born in the 1930s and 1940s, and who have therefore lived their early years without digital technologies, as well as younger people for whom communication technologies are an integral part of their lives.
