Sutstainable Living in Social Housing 2013

This participatory action research project engaged social housing residents in environmental issues and involved them in the development of community action to promote sustainable living.


Building sustainable communities in the UK depends on understanding the complex links between housing and the built environment, social relations, economic factors (e.g. inequalities; employment), the natural environment, and health and well being. Social or community-based interventions have an important role to play in changing behaviours and promoting more sustainable ways of living.

Project Outline

This participatory action research project engaged social housing residents in environmental issues and involved them in the development of community action to promote sustainable living.

The project sought to explore how experiences, views, and practices relating to sustainable living vary across housing tenures, socio-economic circumstances, and across different neighbourhoods in the city.

A core aim of the project was to facilitate community participation in both strategic development and practical responses to sustainable development and housing issues. In this way, the project increased levels of responsiveness to residents' concerns about sustainability issues, and enhanced local levels of accountability. The project also helped to strengthen local sustainability partnerships – particularly between the University of Brighton, the local housing sector, and local environmental organisations.

Project Partners

Project partners included Hyde Housing, the School of Applied Social Sciences at the University of Brighton and Brighton and Hove City Council.