LED lighting retrofit to the Royal Oak

LED Lighting in the Royal Oak

LED Lighting

As part of the project the Barcombe Energy Group worked with Matthew and Danielle Perry at the Royal Oak Pub where we replaced 63 light bulbs in the bar and function room. This equates to 6 tonnes of carbon per year, a huge saving for the pub. Matthew will not be changing a light bulb for another 5 years plus. The facts tell us that although LED light bulbs are expensive (up to £18 each), the 85% energy savings on your energy bills will pay for your outlay within 6 months of purchasing and installation, after that you are saving £££’s!! Visit the pub and have a look for yourself

  • Some poeple say the lights look dim in the function room but this is due to the brightness of the bulbs

  • TIP Start with the room that you use lights in the most and change those lights first

  • Use an energy monitor to show you how much energy you are using - trial it by turning lights off and on!

CARWYN HUGHES REPORTED THE FOLLOWING - We have targeted the lights which we believe get most usage. As an example the kids like a light on at night, this now has an LED light. Our kitchen light has six bulbs and gets a huge amount of usage, again we have done the swap there.

I have one of those electricity guages (my wife got this for me for Xmas!), and I can already see decreased cost associated to the lights in the kitchen, when this is associated to increased energy efficiency it becomes a no brainer.
The psychological barrier to overcome is sourcing LED lights and paying the increased initial cost. The test as far as I can see is to observe how long the LED lights last. If that is noticeably longer than normal bulbs then I am sure I will be a convert. *Please remember to recycle your used light bulbs as some of them can be very harmful to the environment if they end up in landfill.