Westminster Students' Union Officer and Staff Training 2017

Developing our thinking Through training SUs we’ve realised just how complicated they are to a new rep or volunteer or student employee that happens to get involved. Working in one is a completely unique experience that I don’t think is comparable to any other sector! The more we work with the elected officers that essentially become heads of their union for a year as their first ever job (!!) we have seen how COing can really help them to reach out and get support from their fellow students. It provides them with a method for finding out what really matters to their members and stops them feeling so alone. ☺

This year we moved away from just training officers in isolation, we also trained their supporting staff members and part time reps (volunteers for the union) together as one big team. This helped everyone to be on the same page in terms of methodology of outreach and also better understand how to encourage and support one another, recognising their strengths and weaknesses. –It can being daunting going out and talking to strangers! Doing things as a team often really helps.

The Officer team at Westminster is made up of re-elected and new members also meaning that we had to rethink how we ran our training to benefit those people that have been practising for a year already. We ran sections of the training using new materials but also did exercises more as a handover between the participants. Mostly our training is based on Art of Hosting principles where trainees learn from one another, everyone’s experience matters and often they can already teach each other more than what we can ‘teach’ them! Our skill lies in designing the ways in which they can share, making sessions personal and comfortable, building confidence and understanding.

If you’re interested to hear more or think we could be a good fit for your organisation let us know!
