Year 7 pupils from Priory School in Lewes undertook a four week workshop with us as part of their citizenship curricula. It was really exciting to be working with 35 energetic and enthusiastic community planners.
We tested our pilot engagement processes and some of our tools to varying success with some key learning outcomes. This included our 'ideas and issues' catalyst tools which pupils did at home with their families as well as during lessons and our 'communication game' which challenged the pupils to consider different digital methods to communicate their opinions and visions.
The finale was the development of our process that combines the use animation and ageing apps. Some of examples are present on the map and the slide-show above. A different approach to 'digital-storytelling'.
The process requires the pupils to age each other using apps on smart devices. Then they are asked to tell a story or imagine their lives in the future as they appear in the aged image. They tell this story into an animation app that then animates their aged personas. This proved to have a number of positive effects:
1. It was great fun and highly interactive.
2. It was intuitive and needed little or no instruction (as the apps are very well designed).
3. The animations they made are funny - but deliver their opinions and visions in an engaging way.
4. We witnessed how the process of ageing the pupils actually evoked empathy with the idea of being old in some cases.
For more information see the tool and associated videos.