Queens Park - Mapping sustainable citizenship across the City 2017

Swift nests


Around the park 6 swift nests boxes were installed in the grade 2 listed clock and it works by emitting sounds to attract them.

Around the park, there are other nesting boxes places on trees and also nest boxes place on the island within the pond for other birds including the Greater Spotted Woodpecker, Grey Wagtail, Redwing and Wheatear, mallards and coots.

Friends of Queen's Park

The group has also been responsible for the emergence of the Quiet Garden and monitoring and promoting of local bird life which has been at risk from the increased number of squirrels in the park.

Plant life is also monitored e.g. the effects alien species has on native species.

The Royal Spa Nursery School

This is not relevant at all. There is not information regards to this However, it could be helpful having a Nursery school around the park if one of the main purposes of this place was to educate the children about the importance that the environment has in our lives as they would grow up seeing the evidence and how the people treat the environment around the park.

Dog waste bin

When we went to the site, we found two dog waste bins one located in west Dr and another one located on the corner of the south Avenue.


C21queenspark@hotmail.com posted on 19 May 2017 12:28

Methodology We used 3 different approaches to conduct our research. The first and the most obvious was to look up on the internet to get some background information. The second was to divide the group into 2 subgroups, one of which went out and interviewed some people. The last approach was to contact the teacher as our last resort.

Limitations Some of the information were impossible to find online. Most of people we interviewed knew vey little about the park The weather was appalling, which made it difficult for us to stay there longer