Community21 has selected some case study communities and projects to share across the network to inspire and inform others. Should we be featuring yours? If so get in touch.
Vitality Villages is a community group with the aim of contributing to a caring and healthy community by promoting community health and connecting people.
Membership is open to residents of Herstmonceux and adjoining Parishes on completing the Membership Form which may be downloaded here and paying the annual subscription of £1.00.
You may choose to attend any of the activities listed but please note that additional fees may be required as listed in the relevant activity section of this site.
Please read the Data Protection statement as your completed membership application is your agreement to how we handle your personal information.
Send or hand in the completed form marked Vitality Villages, c/o Village Information Centre, The Old Forge, Gardner Street, Herstmonceux BN27 1LG. Do not include cash, your membership fee will be collected on your first attendance at an activity. If you have questions call Sheila on 01323 833673 or Janet on 01323 833306
Vitality Villages is an unincorporated community organisation run by a committee formed from its membership. Its Constitution, which includes our equalities statement, may be downloaded here as can its policies on Data protection and safeguarding. It has Public Liability Insurance.
The Committee and Office holders are as follows: Chair Vitality Villages & Community Allotment: Janet McInnes 01323 833306
Secretary & Coffee Mornings: Sheila Charlton 01323 833673
Treasurer & Men's Shed / Community Workshop: Alan McInnes 01323 833306
Walking routes & footpath projects: Steve Burke 01323 833473
Community Choir: Laura Heales 07905 745384
Vitality Villages is a community organisation focusing on the health and well-being of residents in Herstmonceux and the local communities. The aim is to provide health and well-being activities to create an environment where individuals and families feel informed, empowered, healthier and happier.
Established in 2015, the group has the following projects: -
Community Allotment
Monthly Coffee Mornings
Men’s Shed and Community Workshop
Community Singers
Walking and Associated Activities
Directory of local information
Detailed Information about these Vitality Villages projects is listed below.
The projects are supported by: -
Herstmonceux Health Centre – the projects of Vitality Villages are used by doctors for social prescribing.
St Wilfrid’s Hospice – Vitality Villages is a Community Link partner at the hospice and meets regularly with other organisations in the Link to share ideas.
Herstmonceux Parish Council – the Council supports Vitality Villages with funding, advertises the projects in its newsletter and its website.
Bader International Study Centre of Queen’s University, Ontario at Herstmonceux Castle – provides the location for the Men’s Shed and Community Workshop. Works with members on joint projects.
Action in rural Sussex – provides advice and community support for the projects.
Wealden District Council – have provided funding, advice, and support from officers.