Example: Barcombe Community Energy Plan supported by Communities Matter, DECC Local Energy Assessment Fund, Ovesco and University of Brighton,
Example of Community Energy Plan
Example: The LEAF fund project overview for Barcombe Village

The Department of Energy & Climate Change awarded Barcombe Energy Group and Barcombe Parish Council a £55,000 Local Energy Assessment Fund grant to support a community wide project that helped make houses and community buildings more energy efficient.
This Local Energy Assessment Fund or LEAF will also help steer how we might develop more further household or community level 'Green' or energy efficency measures in the future, based on funded expert assestments.
The project also helped the Barcombe Energy Group come up with a Community Energy Plan fit for the 21st Century
Example of an energy plan timetable

The process involved a huge range of activities by many members of the community and service providers working together
The retrofits projects included loft and cavity wall insulation and saved Barcombe residents over £10,000 collectively on their energy bills
The pub had a total LED retrofit whcih included changing 64 of its lights and massive saving for the landlord
Ovesco managed a community energy assessment
All the above happened between February and April 2012 and left us with a energy plan fit for the 21st Century.....
Thank you!
Mountfield Road Lewes Community Energy Scheme
This animation presents an example of a community energy proposal developed by Ovesco IPS to show a possible scheme devised alongside a Local Energy Assessment Fund (LEAF) project.
Animation created by James McAdam, University of Brighton
Nick posted on 5 September 2013 22:41
Looking forward to meeting everyone at the energy south community energy day. Thanks to Ollie for organising!