Goldsmids communal recycling

Brighton and Hove installed 63 bins as part of phase 4 of the communal recycling schemes on the 21st of March 2014. They are mixed recycling bins for plastic, food, drink cans, cardboard and paper. A trial was conducted over 3,000 homes in Brunswick and Adelaide in 2002 which increased recycling rates from 12.5% to 21%, this figure is expected to be reflected in this area. The scheme is being funded by a 840,000 pound government grant to help councils improve waste collection and recycling services. It is expected to be a good investment saving around 500,000 a year.

The instalment of mixed recycling bins makes recycling easier and encourages more people in the Goldsmid area to reduce their household waste. The BBC reported on the communal recycling bins that are present all over Brighton, again encouraging the community to feel more responsible about where their own waste is going.

This is an example of citizenship as it has the aim of reducing household waste which negatively impacts the environment.