Brunswick - Mapping sustainable citizenship across the City 2017


17/03/17 Our group was allocated the Brunswick and Adelaide Ward randomly during lecture. Once we had been notified of the ward we would be using, we critiqued the existing Community21 map, pointing out what was liked and disliked about the map, what we felt was missing and what improvements we could make. Uploading the critique of the existing map was assigned to Zoe.

18/03/17 As a group we allocated various aspect of environmental citizenship to each member of the group. (i.e. Energy, Transport, etc.) and agreed to individually research these in the upcoming weeks and upload our content.

24/03/17 Pranil attended the lecture on how to upload content to Community21.

25/03/17 Holly and Martha researched their individual topics together (Green space and Local Advocacy) finding information to aid research when visiting the Brunswick and Adelaide Ward as a group.

28/03/17 Fran, Zoe and Pranil came together to research the remaining 4 topics (Transport, Energy, Waste and Food).

01/04/17 The whole group met up to discuss findings and fill in any gaps. Ideas on what to look out for on the field trip were thought up and a date to go to our ward was arranged. As a group we decided to conduct a survey during our visit.

02/05/17 Guidance was given on not to conduct a survey, so instead Pranil suggested talking to a local councillor for the ward, Ollie Sykes, in order to get some insight into the Brunswick ward. .

03/05/17 We visited the Brunswick and Adelaide ward. Pictures and information were gathered on Green spaces and other aspects of environmental citizenship.. We spoke to two local businesses (C.J.NAISH. and YouJuice) and the local councillor (Ollie Sykes) to find out valuable information on community/sustainable projects that had been going on in the area.

5/05/17 We met as a group to upload pictures and information gathered on our field trip in order to create a stronger map, providing important and concise information. Informal presentation occurred on this day. Creation of formal presentation by Holly.

9/05/17 The group discussed gaps in the content on the map. A plan of what information/content on pictures required uploading was made and followed by all members of the group.

15/05/17 The group met to formally practice the presentation.

17/05/17 Continued uploading of information by all members of the group. Critique of original map uploaded. Plan for remaining tasks. Editing of map and completion of formal presentation by Zoe.

18/05/17 Final practice of presentation as a group. PowerPoint submitted via email. During the practice we checked timings to make sure everything ran smoothly.

19/05/17 Final presentation.

Brunswick and Adelaide Sustainable Citizenship Projects

Video- Brighton and Hove Council


The existing Community21 map is useful if a user wants to understand environmental citizenship in the Brunswick ward as there is a full directory which allows content to be filtered by a specific service/company or broader category.

This information should be on the map as it is relevant to environmental citizenship, and we feel that the range of categories effectively summarises the themes within environmental citizenship that we discussed in lectures.

The categories are not evenly represented, as there are far more points for green spaces than transportation. We will try to ensure even distribution when researching and uploading content.

The map is not particularly well presented as the colours used to represent each category are very similar, and so it is very difficult to differentiate when multiple filters are applied in the search feature. The markers on the map are awkwardly sized and are